: perception; interest; millennial generation; farmerAbstract
Abstrack- Farmers are individuals who work in the field of agriculture, typically managing land, planting and nurturing crops with the aim of obtaining yields for either family consumption or selling to others. The lack of participation of the millennial generation in the agricultural sector is not a new phenomenon. There are various reasons that contribute to millennials' reluctance to work in the agricultural sector, including economic factors. Based on this issue, researchers are interested in understanding the "perceptions and interests of the millennial generation towards working as farmers in Matani Dua village." This study employs a survey method using primary and secondary data. The population of this research consists of millennials in Matani Dua village, with a total of 525 millennials, and the sample size was determined using the Slovin formula, resulting in 24 millennial respondents. Based on the research findings, millennials in Matani Dua village perceive working as farmers to provide a comfortable working environment, and they consider the profession of farming to offer sufficient income to meet their family's needs. Millennials in Matani Dua village show a positive response towards their interest in agricultural cultivation. However, when it comes to entrepreneurial endeavors and the production and marketing of agricultural products, millennials in Matani Dua village display a lack of interest.
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