Optimasi, Biaya distribusi, North West Corner, Least Cost, Stepping StoneAbstract
In Project Implementation, cost are one of the most important components so that the cost incurred must be as optimal as possible, the material distribution process is a very important aspect so it needs to be planned as good as possible because it will greatly influence the overall project cost such as an increase in project cost which can occur especially if the project being handled consist of several projects and requires large amount of material, the differenece in distance between the project and the material source, the difference in material prices at each source means that the project owner must determine a way so that the required material can be obtained and at optimal cost, for this reason, appropriate transportation methods are needed to overcome this problem, namely methods such as the North West Corner Method, Least Cost Method and Stepping Stone Method. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the cost for spandek material in the initial North West Corner method was Rp. 70.352.000,- and after being tested using the Stepping Stone method it was found that this cost was optimal, the cost obtained was more optimal than the Least Cost method which was also tested using the Stepping Stone method with amount of Rp. 70.387.000,- so it can be concluded that the North West Corner method with final testing of the Stepping Stone method is the right method to use for this problem.
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