About the Journal

Journal title  Jurnal EHO: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Humaniora
Subject  Education, Reference



 English (preferred), Indonesia

 2 Issue per year (Februari & Agustus)



 - 2797 - 4499 (Print)


DOI  -
Acreditation  -
Editor-in-chief  Githa Ils Rumambi ID Sinta : 6195152
Publisher  LPPM Universitas Sariputra Indonesia Tomohon

EHO JOURNAL: JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND HUMANITIES is a Journal of the Faculty of Business Management and Communication Sciences managed and published by Universitas Sariputra Indonesia Tomohon (UNSRIT). This journal publishes various research results (basic and applied research) and studies in the fields of Business Management, Accounting and Communication Sciences. This journal is intended widely for researchers at research institutions and universities, as well as other works such as the final research results of students from various strata.