Peer Review Process

Articles accepted by the editorial board to evaluate compliance with blind peer review. If there is a difference of opinion between two referees when assessing an article, the article is sent to a third referee. If an article is submitted to more than two referees, partial opinions are relied upon. Referees are selected from among the scientific council or university academics. In order for an article to be published in a journal, the referee must express a positive opinion.
In articles that will be submitted to journals, you need to pay attention to the following things:
1. The submitted article has never been published elsewhere and cannot be
sent to more than one journal at the same time.
2. In research presented orally or on posters at congresses,
symposium, or scientific environment, must include the name, place and date
3. In research sponsored by an institution or fund, it must be included
name of sponsoring institution and project label.
4. Information must be provided about the thesis article. The author is responsible
for any misinterpretations.
5. Articles to be submitted for the exam must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines
writer of the Jurnal Abdimas Sariputra
6. The author is responsible for the content of the publication, maintenance of opinions, correctness of sources,
quotes and copyright protected images and visuals.